I just want to wish Troy a happy birthday. I am so lucky to be married to such a wonderful man and father. I couldn't ask for anything more. I wish I could have him help me write this because he is such a good writer. He always knows what to say, especially lately, to make me feel better.
Things about Troy...
- He is funny
- Not a picky eater (he would have cold cereal for dinner)
- Takes good care of us
- Hard worker
- Very considerate of others and their feelings
- Loves to spend time with me and the kids
- Loves to ride any kind of bike (even has a bikeroom with I don't know how many bikes)
- Honors his priesthood
- Puts up with my crap
- And he looks great in a speedo for an old guy! hehe!
I could go on and on....
Happy Birthday Troy! And, DON'T FORGET!
**This is one of his favorite things to do, wash his bikes. Actually, he is washing my bike. What a nice guy!