Hope you all had a great halloween...
Monday, November 2, 2009
Halloween Madness
Hope you all had a great halloween...
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Happy Birthday Troy!

- He is funny
- Not a picky eater (he would have cold cereal for dinner)
- Takes good care of us
- Hard worker
- Very considerate of others and their feelings
- Loves to spend time with me and the kids
- Loves to ride any kind of bike (even has a bikeroom with I don't know how many bikes)
- Honors his priesthood
- Puts up with my crap
- And he looks great in a speedo for an old guy! hehe!
Happy Birthday Troy! And, DON'T FORGET!
**This is one of his favorite things to do, wash his bikes. Actually, he is washing my bike. What a nice guy!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
U Rock!

Monday, October 5, 2009
Happy Birthday Nunn!
Monday, September 28, 2009
The Cutest Thing Ever!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Happy Birthday Madisonironi!
Eleven years later she is such a wonderful young lady. She is such a good girl, I don't know how we got so lucky to have her in our family. A few things about her:
*She loves to read. She is just like her Nunny!
*She hates the heat. Again, just like Nunny!
*She has beautiful strawberry blonde hair.
*She is very spiritual and loves to go to church. She definitely is an example to us.
*She is friends with everybody.
*She loves American Girl dolls.
*She already knows what car she wants when she turns 16. A Mini Cooper!
*She loves strawberries. Plain strawberries, strawberries dipped in sugar, strawberry ice cream, strawberry suckers. Everything strawberry!
*She wears hearing aids....What? And she just got new earmolds. They are adorable and just as bright as always.
There is so much more I could write about her. I could go on and on. Instead I will just give you some pictures and you can see for yourself what a wonderful girl she is.
We love you Madisonironi! Happy Birthday!!!
Monday, September 14, 2009
YNP '09
Other things we did:
- Hikes, Harlequin Lake, Canyon, Tower Falls, etc.etc.
- Swimming in the firehole river
- Skipping rocks in the river
- Old Faithful Young Scientist badge (this took all day, the kids were exhausted after they were done)
- Saw a ton of waterfalls
- Hot pots, dragons mouth is one of their favorites but Eli thinks a dragon really lives in it.
- Saw tons of buffalo and elk, missed a bear by seconds.
- Got eaten by mosquitos
- Stayed in the park at Grant Village right by Yellowstone Lake
I could go on and on. We had so much fun and I am already getting excited to go back next year!
Thanks Kinney for coming with us, we hope we didn't scare you too bad!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Summer '09
And here are Troy and Jason crossing the finish line together. Troy says there is no way he could have done it without Jason. This is kind of how they are in life. They don't go very long without talking to each other. Jason and Heidi have been great friends forever. Thanks guys!
Thats just a few things we did this summer, I forgot my camera for the others, but we had a lot of fun! And thanks Jill for spending a couple weeks with us and keeping us busy!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Reading makes me tired...
Friday, August 28, 2009
Back to school...
And last but not least, the token picture taken in front of the school. I think they should probably have some feet painted on the sidewalk...saying stand here for school picture. After I took his picture I noticed a whole bunch of other moms taking the same picture.
So, there you go. It's a little late but the school pictures are finally posted.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Lagoon and the Holy Ghost

- Eli: "Mom, it wasn't too scary except for the Holy Ghost."
- Mom: "What do you mean the Holy Ghost."
- Eli: "The Holy Ghost was tickling my legs the whole time."
- Mom: "Oh, really and that was the scary part?"
- Eli: "Yep, that was the scary part."

Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I have had:
- Sick kid stuff (Madison missed most of the last week and a half of school)
- Work stuff (Yuck!, I even quit again...)
- House stuff
- Summer stuff
- School stuff (Yes, we are still in school but Thursday is the last day)
- Church stuff
- Friend stuff (I went to dinner with friends I haven't seen for at least 15 years. Fun!)
I have had a lot of STUFF, so please forgive me and I will be back shortly. Maybe I could have the Dr. write me a note while she is writing one for Madisons absences from school.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Rain Rain Go Away!!!
I am so tired of the rain! Anybody else with me here? We watch the news and read the paper everyday and it always says: Monday/Rain, Tuesday/PC and rain, Wednesday/lightning and rain, Thursday/TS and rain, Friday/freaking more rain. I like rain but not when it rains for 15 days straight. A nice afternoon summer thunderstorm is nice but not every single day.
However, my boys have come to like the rain. The new thing they like to do is take their shirts off and run around in the rain. I try to make sure they don't run around when it is thundering and lightning but sometimes I can't stop them.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Little Red
So, we continued and the next stop was at mile 81. Somewhere in between my knees started hurting and my legs started cramping. I was not in any shape to think I was going to ride 100 miles. Then, at about mile 78 my tire went flat again. At this point, I was done. I called Troy and said come and get me. I have never had my knees hurt like that before. So, thanks to my wonderful husband, Troy, within minutes I was sitting on my nice comfy seat in the car (and not on my bike) drinking Diet Coke and eating a snickers. I am horrible, all I wanted was something sweet!
The rest of my group finished the century. Liz, Sunny and Sally. Good job girls and thanks for dragging me the last few miles!
I was a little bit sad at the finish line, it was a bitter-sweet moment for me. This ride benefits womens cancer research. I wanted to ride across that finish line so bad but I knew I couldn't do it this year. Maybe next year!
Sunny and Sally getting Lei'd. So cool! Sunny just had a baby 7 months ago and Sally's baby is 16. It is so cool that they finished.
Good job girls! Thanks for the ride and we will be riding again soon!
***Oh, and Heidi was there too but she had to leave. Heidi I need the picture Jason took of all of us so we can have you on here too. Just so you all know, Heidi is the driving force behind this group. She is the one that got us all there. Thanks Heidi!
Friday, June 5, 2009
- She is growing up so fast. She loves to babysit and earn money. She always begs us to go on a date so she can be in charge.
- She is doing really well at piano even though I can't ever get her to practice.
- She has had testing at school this week and next week so she has really been working hard at school.
- At school she is trying to pass off all the things for the Presidential Fitness award. She is killing herself to get them all done.
- He is getting ready to start 2nd grade. I can't believe it.
- On his birthday he moved up in BMX from 6 novice to 7 novice and then the next week he was moved up to 7 intermediate.
- In his 2 races as a 7 intermediate he has made it to the main both times and has placed 3rd. We are so proud of him.
- He is always doing something, whether it's digging in the dirt or eating or legos or riding bikes. He is always doing something.
- He is learning to not play with knives. Two weeks ago he cut himself and had to get stitches. Yes we are great parents and let our kids play with knives. They will learn sooner or later.
- He is done with pre-school and is so ready to start Kindergarten. Maybe it is me that is ready for him to start.
- He gets to go to play with his cousin, Megan, 4 days a week while I go to work. I think he really likes it (Thanks Lori). He also goes to Grandmas 1 day a week, he loves to go and eat her cookies.
- This kid is like Gabe and is always doing something. However, he is usually doing something a little more mischievious.
Troy and Kelli
- We have been busy at work. Troy has been bidding jobs like crazy and I hope that will end soon.
- Troy has also been racing a little bit of BMX and getting some Mtn. Bike and Road biking in.
- I am riding Little Red tomorrow and I am not ready. Hopefully I will still be able to walk after it is over.
Here is a little video of Gabe's race last night. He has the silver helmet on and is in 4th place most of the time until the last straight before the finish he passes for 3rd.
Friday, May 22, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009
Happy Birthday G-Man
- He has always loved tractors (you name it and he knows what it is)
- He loves to dig in the dirt
- He is my vanilla kid (blonde hair and vanilla icecream)
- He is a good eater
- He is very loving and kind
- He makes friends easy
- He loves to do anything outside
- This year he has learned to play basketball with his friends (Of course his dad doesn't teach him)
- This year he started BMX and has 14 trophies (I don't know what I am going to do with more)
- He loves school (reading, math, science etc.)
- He is a thinker, he thinks about everything
I love this kid, he is such a good kid. I just want him to know how much I love and appreciate him. He is my little G-Man!